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The Team

CD :: Carlos M.
AD :: Mark Edwards
AAD :: Pochih C.
CW :: Eddie B.
CW :: Jessica A.

Project Accolades

GOLD AWARD :: 2013 Pro Awards
Best Use of Event or Guerilla Marketing (more than 5 venues)

GOLD AWARD :: 2013 Reggie Award
Experiential Marketing (Budget Over $1,000,000)

The Skinny Cow brand hosted Dirty Dancing's 25th Anniversary with a nationwide celebration! We didn’t want to disappoint fans of both brands and their kindred spirits. We set out researching design styles, focusing on the film’s story, taking place in the summer of 1963, as well as its 1987 release. Using Postmodern design aesthetics, like the brand’s bold pink color, and its cow print patterns, this “ultimate fit” reflected the brand’s fun and playful personality alongside the film’s nostalgic first-love, coming-of-age story. To accomplish our client's expectation of increasing sales, we focused on three primary objectives:

Pair the ultimate girl snacks with the ultimate girl movie

Craft a unique experience for influencers, advocates & movie-goers alike

Attendees should leave feeling they had… "the time of their life... and they owe it all to Skinny Cow!"

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Attendees experienced scenes from the movie as they entered the after-party, viewing memorabilia from scenes in the film. We added built-in speakers to each podium allowing us to mix each scene’s dialogue with its soundtrack, enabling attendees to reenact the scene with their friends while capturing it for their social media posts. This was one of my first events that leveraged Instagram and Twitter. Attendees were rewarded each time they posted pictures on Instagram. By including branded hashtags, their posts triggered our Instaglam printers to physically print out their pictures at the event!


Logos + Iconography


CA Lottery Golden Greeting